About Rockdale County Democratic Committee
The Rockdale County Democratic Committee is a county committee of the Democratic Party of Georgia. Under the leadership of the Executive Board, we have a total of 16 precincts which are organized with a Cluster Coordinator (serving county-wide) and three Cluster Teams, each led by a Cluster Chair, Co-Chair and Member At-Large (MAL). Within each cluster, there are Precinct Captains representing their respective precincts.
The Cluster Coordinator and Cluster Chair (Post Holders) are elected in a gubernatorial year and the Cluster Co-Chair and Member At-Large (Post Holders) are elected in a presidential year. Anyone meeting the requirements in the Rockdale County Democratic Committee Bylaws may apply to serve as a Cluster Coordinator, Cluster Team member or Precinct Captain.
Our Activities:
- We engage in Get-Out-The-Vote activities year in and year out, especially during election years;
- We find opportunities to increase Democratic performance and improve Democratic participation;
- We work to support our democratic elected officials during difficult legislative battles; and
- We strive to become the machine Democrats need us to be.
Above all, We stand for social and economic justice.
It’s time for you to stand with us in this important work. To make a real difference, we need Democrats from all walks of life throughout our county.
RCDC Sub-Committees

Budget and Finance

Bylaws and Standing Rules

Candidate Development


Civic Engagement and Voter protection

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion



Strategic Planning

Young Adults

Join the cause and volunteer on a committee. Your involvement will help us continue to promote our mission to serve the local community and the public by promoting equal, social and economic opportunities for all people through the election of candidates committed to Democratic Party ideals.

How to Join a Committee

How to apply? Contact a Committee Chair directly or email RCDC.

What is the Commitment? Based on your schedule, monthly meetings or conference calls.